Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)


Content Pages

Content pages are the meat of the websites. They are the reason visitors came to the site, and just like a good breakfast, these pages should have those visitors feeling fulfilled and smelling of delicious bacon. (I made up the last part but if a website really did smell like a bacon. I would surely link to it.) The pages should be very specific to a given topic (usually product or an object). and be hyper-relevant.

All an SEO you should be looking to see if the purpose of the page if directly stated in all of the following areas:

  1. Title tag
  2. URL
  3. Content page
  4. Images

A good content page acts as link magnet. They are much more likely to receive links than subcategory and category pages. Smart SEOs use this as an advantage and have content pages link back to their applicable category and subcategory pages. This then increases the amount of juice following to all of the content pages on the website and makes them all rank better.

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